Somethings we've done over the past few weeks....
-We went to the Zoo with friends and had a great time (even with a little NW rain).
-Aaron took the boys to 2 of our local play places with huge structures and slides. And I took them to a gymnastics place which they loved. Kamble really loved them and I think they are helping with his muscle tone.
- I (April) went back to work 2 days a week and the boys are doing great with Grandma and Daddy while I'm gone.

-Uncle Jon and Aunt Sarah got the kiddos a trampoline for Naunee and Papa's and they LOVE it! It's such a fun toy for all the grandkids to enjoy and gets out a ton of energy which we all love!
-Grandma spoiled them (and Us) for Valentines Day by taking them out to get presents, candy and dinner food. They made us dinner and desert and it was wonderful!
-Kamble went swimming for the first time and loved it! He especially loved the huge slide going down on Mommy and Daddy's laps.
-AND this kid loves Hat's (which I love)!!! He's pretty adorable in them too!
He loves his Addy girl (and Oakley too)!(It's a little blurry, but pretty much what he does to her all day long!)
Its really been an amazing 2 months home. Kamble is speaking in english sentences and pretty much understands everything we say. Kids are such amazing learners!!!! He's also finally trying new foods and even eating some vegetables! We are so thankful for our boys and our life. This has been such an emotional journey to get here, but so worth every moment! Now, if we could just get them both to sleep through the night we'd be golden! :)
Love, April