Saturday, October 27, 2012

We're getting so close!!!!!

Even though most days don't feel like it, we are getting so close to bringing our son home.  We have a few more papers to get, get our embassy appointment scheduled, and get his passport before we can book our tickets; but really that's not many steps to go.  We are getting so excited to travel! We can't wait to meet our boy, thank all the people who have cared for him these past few months, and love on all the other kiddos waiting to come home to their forever families.  We know its not going to be easy, but we are ready for this challenge.

There are so many fears we have about traveling to Africa. Most of them have to do with the unknowns. We know Gods plan is so much bigger than our own and we believe that even our trip is orchestrated by him.  I will admit though, one of our biggest fears is that our son will be scared of us. We know it's a real possibility and are preparing ourselves for this, but we are praying he's sees our love and attention as a positive thing and will trust us. Attachment and bonding is such a long process that happens differently with every child. We know this this and just pray that we can begin developing a positive relationship while in Africa that we can build on once we get home.

On another note, Our Son was quite sick this past week and was well taken care of by the men and women from the orphanage. We are so thankful to all of them for recognizing the signs of Malaria and getting him medical attention right away. We are also so grateful for all of our friends and family for your prayers during this time. We appreciate all of your love and support during this entire process and for your love of our son who we haven't even met yet!

God Bless, April

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